Thursday, June 7, 2012

The not so bright future...

While studying, I received a link to an article from the hubs.  Accompanying the article link was this comment from him, "some good news for you."  Naturally, my first thought is that I'm going to read some positive news.  Instead, here is what I read, "NALP: Tough job market for new lawyers."  (click the title to read the entire article)

Instead of an uplifting story about the job market turning around, I read about how "Newly-minted lawyers are facing the worst job market since 1994" and "The overall employment rate for new law school graduates is 85.6 percent, the lowest it has been since 1994, when the rate stood at 84.7 percent."

I'm going to try to see the silver lining in this - an 85.6% employment rate for recent law school grads is better than 50% employment right?  The question is, how many of those jobs are "J.D. preferred"??

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