Monday, June 4, 2012

Dreams of the Tavern (French Creek of course)

As I sit and attempt to complete 35 multiple choice, I find myself distracted.  Distracted by the thought of going to western NY for the 4th of July holiday before the 'bar exam madness' worsens and becomes incredibly intense for the 'final push' before D-Day.  The thought of breakfast at the DV (the Dutch Village for those of you who are unfamiliar is an amazing restaurant in this wonderful little town), the idea of wings and pizza logs at the Tavern (one of my favorite places on earth), and most importantly, seeing all of our little nephews and spending time with friends and family.  I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this trip!  It's been far too long since I have been back 'home.'

Here's a photo of the Tavern for those of you who are not fortunate enough to know the place I am referring to...

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