Thursday, May 31, 2012

Little Nugget

I miss my nugget while I sit in this wretched place and study... ALL day... :-(  How could you not miss a face like this??

I despise thee, bar studying!

So this is my life, day after day after day.  Wake up around 6-6:30am, play at the gym for a short period of time, come home, shower, get ready, pack a lunch, make some coffee, head to school, fight traffic (well curse traffic), get excited when I "beat" two cars in the line of traffic, get to school, review the lecture notes, sit through lecture for 3-4 hours, take a 30 minute break for lunch, enjoy some "learning time" then some "practice time" which brings me to 8 or 9pm, drive home, don't fight or curse traffic because there usually isn't much, eat dinner or think about eating dinner and decide I'm too tired to do so, sit on the couch while my brain feels like mush, then finally head to bed around 11-12 at night.  What a deal right?  I'm sure you are jealous that you are not in my shoes ALL summer - that's right, this is my life ALL summer long.  I just keep reminding myself that it is only for 8 weeks... 8 more weeks...

Anyways, here's a glipse at my, yes MY study cube.  Please don't take it from me if you are studying in the library too.  It's my home away from home.  I'm a little territorial about it... and if you catch me on the wrong day, it may not be a good thing.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I finally decided it was time to look at the photos the professionals took of commencement.

The President of the school is on the left and looks oh so happy to be in this photo, meanwhile, the Dean on the right is so excited her eyes are closed.  I guess that's what happens when you are at the end of the alphabet.  First and last time (hopefully) I will graduate and be at the end of the line.

Anyways, great photo...!  HAHA!

Next we have our class photo.  To take this, we were sent into Founder's Hall and all told to stand in order, which was then changed around by random people assisting the photographers who moved all of us into a "better spot".  Yet, I'm not sure you can make out a single one of our faces.  Oh well!  From what I recall, I am somewhere near the front of the pack on the right hand side of the photo.  Lets play a game called, "Where's Willink"?

I'll get around to posting more photos from that day later.  But for now, enjoy these! :)

Casey Anthony At It Again

While I am not condoning what happened with the Casey Anthony case, nor am I taking a stance on whether she did it or not, I thought it was interesting that she will now be forced out of hiding to appear in court, and forced to take the witness stand in this civil suit by the named "babysitter" that turned out to be a real person.

You can read more about the story here:

A break for a table

After buying the house and moving in, we soon realized that while we thought we had a lot of "stuff" we didn't have enough to fill a house this size.  So we began by purchasing a new bed (well two) and filled up 3/4 of the bedrooms.  (The other one has been claimed as the "man cave.")  Then we decided it was time to fill the empty dining room.  We began searching all over for the perfect set until I decided I had found the perfect one.   The hubs wasn't so sold on it but I was able to sell him on it and explain what an amazing deal we were getting!  We got the entire set, plus a large mirror, large framed print and a set of Christmas dishes (random, I know) for an amazing price!  It all fits beautifully in the dining room and is a rather old, unique set.  (At least we think so!)  Hopefully soon we can host our first dinner party and use our newly filled space and beautiful set!  I must say, while I should have been studying, it was a great use of my "me" time to go pick this up!

Monday, May 21, 2012

RIP Bill Stewart

I am sad to say, Bill Stewart, former head football coach at my alma mater, West Virginia University, has passed away at the age of 59 from a heart attack.  While he was only our coach for a short time, he was a very sincere and nice man.  My heart goes out to his family, especially his children.  May you rest in peace Bill!  Let's Go Mountaineers!

You can read more about the story here.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Watching the birds

While I sit and study, little nugget sits and watches the birds play outside and usually barks her meanest bark to scare them away. How adorable is she?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And so it begins...

Operation Pass has begun... Essay #1 is under way and then we will be de-briefing the essays from the final exam... I know you are jealous... and I know you wish you were in my shoes right now.  If I just keep swimming, soon this will be over and I will anxiously be awaiting the results of the exam that will determine my future.  EEK!

At least I get to look forward to looking at some furniture with the hubs after this is over!   Maybe we will have dining room furniture soon!! :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So I admittedly do not have a green thumb. I have more of a black thumb. Anyways, my mom mailed me two packets of flowers and said they were super hard to kill, so I decided to give them a shot. To my surprise, less than a week after planting them, I have sprouts! Let's how I can keep the sprouts healthy enough to be pretty flowers!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Husband of the year!

I have an amazing husband for many reasons. Too many to list at this moment but I have added a new reason today.  He has been my rock and my cheerleader all through law school and without him, I wouldn't have gone to law school nor would I have made it.  

The newest reason is because he knew how badly I wanted a new purse.  A specific purse. And what does he get me for graduation? The purse I wanted!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daytime fun

Since finals are over and I have all this freedom and all kinds of time to occupy for a few days, I've had to find things to do so I don't get bored. Yesterday I spent the day enjoying the company of some great friends and an adult beverage or two, celebrating the end, discussing how we are going to make it through bar study. What was supposed to be just lunch, turned into lunch, games and dinner. I has a blast and can't wait to do it again!

Todays activities have included sleeping in late, lunch with the hubs, waking aimlessly around the mall looking for a dress for graduation, found nothing, enjoyed Starbucks, aimlessly wandered around a few stores and now, it's off to Gaffney, SC for the "South Kakalaki" graduation part on a farm! Can't wait to see everyone and enjoy the day!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Oh Teen Mothers

Looks like teen mom star, Jenelle is at it again... this time she isn't getting in trouble with the law.  Nope, instead, this time she is back in the lime light for a boob job... You can read the story here.  Thanks to my good friend Sarah for alerting me to this juicy news!  It was a wonderful way to take a break from studying... :)

Beautiful, just beautiful

As always, looking my best during finals.


I find myself irritated every day by those in the quiet section of the library.  It is a quiet section with a GIANT sign telling you to BE QUIET!!!!!  Have respect for those around you please and TAKE YOUR CALLS OUTSIDE!!!!  It's not a difficult thing to understand really!  Those that sit in this area require QUIET to study - you sir, are preventing that from happening!  Enjoy the lovely outdoors while you chat about your life... ok? Thanks! :)

Bar Exam Preparation

As I attempt to study for my final exam tomorrow, I continually find my mind wandering to the thought of what life will be like and how miserable I am going to be while studying and preparing for the bar exam.  While "studying" I happened upon an article called, Five Tips for Early Bar Exam Prep.

Here are those 5 "tips" and my take on each of them:

1Have You Eliminated All Distractions?
Distractions??? What distractions???  Of course I have eliminated all distractions, except of course for little Nugget, the hubs, blogging, gchat, home improvement projects, tanning . . . and the list continues... 

2 Do You Have a Dedicated Study Space?
Dedicated space for me means securing a study cube in the library and threatening to injure any of those that mess with my "dedicated study space."  That means the 1Ls taking summer classes should probably watch out of my way... the stink eye will be common place if you take my cube!  I suppose I could study at home, but who does that?  I would be distracted and therefore I wouldn't have eliminated all distractions as the first tip suggests that I should!

3 Are Your Finances in Order?
Does this assume that we have money to get in order?  The majority of my fellow classmates are as broke as I am!  So I suppose my finances are easy to get into order since there are none to place in an orderly line!  Furthermore, my wonderful hubs takes care of the bills (I think...) so I'll continue leaving that up to him, at least until after the bar, so that I am sure we have electricity in the house.

4 Have You Arranged to Take Two Months Off From Work?
This has to be a joke!  Two months off from work - what work?  This assumes that we have 'gainful employment' that is 'JD preferred.'  Sure there are some leads out there and sure some of us have a job, but we all have been 'warned' the job market is less than inspiring right now.  Regardless, I  have arranged for my time off, so I guess that means I'm good to start bar studying, even though I would rather work.  I have toyed with the idea of working one or two days a week, but that would cut down on my "me" time that has been so graciously scheduled into my bar study schedule, right along with 'bathroom' time, 'eating' time and 'sleeping' time.  This is going to be the best summer ever!  NOT!

5 Have You Persuaded Your Family and Friends to Support You?
Persuaded friends and family?  How about just demand that they either support you or get out of your way?  That's the approach I took.  So for those of you reading, if you haven't been warned yet, consider yourself warned now.  During the 10 weeks that I will be studying for the test of a lifetime, the test that makes or breaks my future, don't expect to hear from me.  Don't assume that if I haven't called that I am dead - check with the hubs first who should know if I'm alive.  I may be sleeping on a cot in the library or in a chair at MY study cube, but that doesn't mean I am a goner.  Just means I am sleep deprived.  Better than that, if you don't hear from me AFTER I have taken the bar, rest assured - I have just ran away to a secret location where I will be celebrating the end of the studying and the end of the exam, followed by panic and anxiety about the release of the results...

So there you have it folks!  The 5 tips for bar exam preparation.  Not included in those tips are ways to find motivation, ways to keep from falling asleep while listening to BarBri lectures, ways to keep sane, ways to not gain a million pounds while sitting and studying for 10 solid weeks and ways not to be the meanest and most irritable person you have ever met.  If you happen upon those, please let me know... they may actually be more helpful...


And here is how I am feeling today about the Decedent's exam I will be taking at 2:00pm tomorrow. Imagine the cat as all the 'knowledge' I have gained while studying for this test.  Now imagine me kicking it in frustration that I still don't think I know what I need to know for this exam... UGH

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Right now, I feel like this...


What day is today?

In the middle of exams, when I don’t know what day of the week it is.

I’m like:

Courtesy of tumblr #wheninlawschool

Then I realize today is . . .  SUNDAY?? That means I only have tonight and tomorrow to study for this??

That's when I start feeling like this....

“OMFG I am SO screwed for this exam!”

More lizards

After yesterday, it seems that lizards keep following me around! We got home after breakfast to find this little guy on or porch!

Nugget and her cake

Little Nina is still working on her birthday cake days later, although she seems to love it! Let's hope she doesn't begin to think this is her real food!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Even if it's the "redneck riviera," there's just something about the ocean that just makes me happy... Even if for just a small moment in time.  Enjoy!

A skank or a skink?

I spent today in Myrtle Beach celebrating the life of my cousin, Raymond, who passed away at the age of 54.  While most would be sad and morning, my family was celebrating his life. Raymond was diagnosed as a child with cystic fibrosis and wasn't supposed to live past 12.  Even with today's technology, those diagnosed are only expected to live until the age of 35. So needless to say, living to be 54 deserves a celebration. 

The celebration was held at a tiger preserve where they breed rare tigers to help preserve the species.  The preserve also has chimps, elephants and other large cats.  It was a rather peaceful and beautiful place.  Unfortunately we didn't get to see any of the tigers.  However, while sitting with family, exchanging stories I stood up to grab a drink and noticed there was a lizard on the back on my chair. Since we were under a pavilion, for some reason, I thought it was fake. Boy was I surprised! I asked my cousin, who helps out on the preserve, what that thing was.  He informed me it was a skank.  Wait, a skank or a skink? I'm still not sure. Either way, just when I thought I was done playing with lizards, they moved the seat cushion and there were more of these things but bigger! It freaked me or a little that I had been practically sitting with these things underneath of me for who knows how long, but with tigers and elephants nearby, I guess it shouldn't have surprised me!

Here's a photo of my little "friend."

On the road again

Instead of studying today, I'm heading to Myrtle Beach with my family to celebrate the life of my cousin who passed away this week after a long fight with cystic fibrosis.  I'm looking forward to seeing my family and enjoying day at the beach, despite the circumstances! Studying will commence again tomorrow... Unless I find the motivation to study in the car...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Nugget!

So today is my little Nugget's 1st birthday!  Yes, her true name is Nina, but somehow her name has morphed into Nugget and now she goes by both.  Anyways, I absolutely love my Nugget and decided that we had to do something special for her birthday!  What could be better than a puppy birthday cake made just for her?!  I called up Canine Cafe on South Boulevard to see what they could whip up for the little baby.  Sure enough, they were able to make a lovely cake just for little Nugget!  They even had party hats!!  I can't wait until she see's her cake!

How did we get Nugget?  Well, back in August, when we returned from our honeymoon, the hubs and I decided we needed to add to our new 'family.'  Of course I didn't mean add to our family with children - I meant a puppy!  Thankfully, the hubs was up for the challenge of a puppy and after researching for awhile, we found our Nugget!  She was named Mercedes after she was born, but that just didn't fit her.  We spent quite some time trying to find the perfect name.  My sister-in-law came up with the perfect name of Nina.  You see, the puppy is named after the shoes we all wore in the wedding!

Anyways, here is Nugget when I first met her!

Unfortunately, her giant ears no longer fold over... instead they stand straight up and are commonly referred to as her 'satellite dishes!'  She was struggling with all sorts of problems when we rescued her, but don't worry - she is more than ok now.  I like to deny it, but I must admit today, that she is spoiled!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Playing house wife...

I got the idea to make kabobs tonight...  without a clue as to what I am doing... hopefully they turn out ok and are yummy! At least they look pretty! Now if I can just figure out how to tell when they are ready to eat...

Note cards galore...

I absolutely, positively CANNOT study and memorize all that I need to know for an exam without using note cards.  I started this trend in my 1L year and I haven't been able to study without them since.  Over the years, apparently I have become 'geriatric' according to some of my friends.  You see, I have begun using larger note cards because you can get more information on them and I am not stressing out about squeezing a million little things onto that tiny note card.  Say what you must friends, but I personally love my new found geriatric cards . . . now only if I could find the same love for 'dead people class.'

I'm back!

After what has been far too long of a break from blogging, and after being inspired by some of my friend's blogs, I have decided that blogging may be the only thing that keeps me sane (well somewhat sane) while I finish school and begin a new chapter in life... if only I could say I was looking forward to that new chapter... Oh well!  This too shall pass!